Reshelling Service Inearz monitors
- Description
We offer reshell services for InEarz Audio custom in-ear monitors. Whether your repairing your broken shells, freshening up your older set or just want to change colors, we have you covered!
If you are requesting a refit service due to a poor fit, PLEASE MARK ON MONITORS WITH A SHARPIE WHERE THE PROBLEM AREAS ARE BEFORE SHIPPING THEM BACK TO US. Describe in as much detail as you can to describe the issues you are having. Make sure to include new ear impressions with your monitors unless we have impressions on file that are less than 5 years old.
If you are requesting a repair for a sound issue, please send BOTH left and right sides to ensure a balanced sound after the repair is complete.
-Some restrictions can apply and InEarz Audio has the right to refuse service. If we cannot repair them we will notify you.
-*We only accept InEarz Audio branded in-ear monitors, DO NOT send third party products to us.
- Must be within 5 years from manufacture date
- Must be in good working condition *Fees may apply for any necessary repairs to internal components
- Cannot change model or drivers to different model
- Options can be changed during reshell (shell, faceplate, options, etc.) *Fees may apply
- You can add ADEL technology to your existing model *Fees apply
- 1-Year fit warranty
- No warranty on internal parts